input checking for make_flocker_data
If type = "single"
, an I x J matrix-like object where
closure is assumed across rows and columns are repeated sampling events.
If type = "multi"
, an I x J x K array where rows are sites or
species-sites, columns are repeated sampling events, and slices along the
third dimension are seasons. Allowable values are 1 (detection), 0 (no
detection), and NA (no sampling event).
If type = "augmented"
, an L x J x K array where rows L are sites,
columns J are repeat sampling events, and slices K are species.
The data must be packed so that, for a given unit (site, site-species,
site-timestep, site-species-timestep) all realized visits come before any
missing visits (NAs are trailing within their rows).
If type = "single"
a dataframe of covariates for each
closure-unit that are constant across repeated sampling events within units.
If type = "multi"
, a list of such dataframes, one per timestep. All
dataframes must have identical column names and types, and all
dataframes must have I rows.
If type = "augmented"
, a dataframe of covariates for each site that
are constant across repeated sampling events within sites (no dependence on
species is allowed).
If type = "single"
, a named list of I x J matrices,
each one corresponding to a covariate that varies across repeated sampling
events within closure-units.
If type = "multi"
, a named list of I x J x K arrays, each one
corresponding to a covariate that varies across repeated sampling events
within closure-units.
If type = "augmented"
, a named list of L x J matrices, each one
corresponding to a covariate that varies across repeated sampling events
within sites (no dependence on species is allowed).
The type of occupancy model desired. Options are:
for a single_season model,
for a multi-season (dynamic) model, or
for a single-season multi-species model with
data-augmentation for never-observed pseudospecies.
Number of pseudo-species to augment. Only applicable if
type = "augmented"
Hide progress bars and informational messages?
If TRUE, turn off checks that must pass in order to use the data for model fitting, but not in other contexts (e.g. making predictions or assessing log-likelihoods over new data).